The Daredevil, The Cherub and the Innocent
Waiting in a checkout line
I am suddenly aware of the blondest
Little boy I have ever seen.
His little, round two-year old body
Perched atop a metal cart carrying a TV
His back to me.
He turns around and faces me.
His expression apprehensive
Then his eyes furrow, cheeks grow
I mimic his look, playfully attempting
To crack a smile
From the platinum-haired cherub.
His gaze remains steadfast.
My attention is caught by brother # one
The Oldest, who without the apprehension of
The Cherub, is attempting
A most daring and precarious feat.
Hi lifts his small agile self onto the cart
(only after admitting openly to me that is
indeed wearing TWO shirts) and leans
Against the lower bar
His proclamation:
“Look! No hands!”
I keep an amused eye on him
Hoping he won’t fall, while
The Cherub looks on at me still
Trying to figure out which planet
I come from.
Once again my attention is diverted by a little one.
Brother # three
Baby nestled in Mama’s arms.
His face is contemplative, eyes then lock on mine
A smile slowly starts to creep on his face, as if,
He realizes that he knows me from
I can’t help but smile,
My eyes not easily distracted now
And as if on cue, a juicy blob of saliva
Escapes from the corner of Brother #3’s mouth.
Oozing its way down his chin, it reaches
Its happy destination:
Mama’s shoulder.
This amuses him and his smile transforms
Into something like satisfaction
As if this is what he meant to do.
I giggle, enraptured by is simple and
Innocent glee.
Loving his playful nature, and constant
I again look at the platinum-haired cherub
And I notice:
He is smiling at me too.
Marianne Franco
Sometime ago in Reno, NV 2001